Wednesday, 25 September 2013


Geometry Learning Intentions

Stage 2
Geometry Learning Intention
I am learning to recognise and describe 3D shapes using mathematical language.

Success Criteria
I know I will be successful when I:
identify 3D objects
sort 3D objects into categories
explain what faces, edges and corners are
describe faces, edges and corners of 3D objects

Monday, 19 August 2013

A cup of Koko

We read a story from School Journal Pt 2 Number 3 1998.  I have been learning to make and justify inferences.  This is my evidence and reflection.

Wednesday, 7 August 2013

My Multiplication Goal

My Multiplication goal

I am learning to solve multiplication problems by using my doubling and halving knowledge and rounding and compensating.

Success Criteria
·       I can break down two-digit numbers into tens and ones and multiply both parts and then add them together
·       I can use round to the nearest ten number
·       I can make appropriate compensations to work out the exact answer
·       I can use my doubles and halves to solve harder multiplication problems

My new Maths Goal

My Maths goal

I am learning to know and explain the place value of decimals.

Success Criteria
I know I will be successful when I
·       understand that there is a set of numbers called integers that are expressed as positive if greater than 0 and negative if less than 0
·       read decimals to three places
·       say the decimal number word sequences forwards and backwards in tenths and hundredths
·       round decimals with up to 2 decimal places to the nearest whole number
·           know tenths and hundredths in decimals

Tuesday, 9 July 2013

Little Fat Orange

Little Fat Orange   

Once upon a time there was a fat tiny girl dressed head to toe in orange so people called her Little Fat Orange.

One day her mother told Little Fat Orange that her Grandma, the wise lady was sick and asked her if she would go to give some magic medicine to her Grandma on the other side of the dark, murky swamp. Little Fat Orange said yes because she was a very sweet girl and always helped people if they asked for help. 

So Little Fat Orange went to go see her Grandma to give her the magic medicine. First she was good and stayed on the path but after a while she saw some apple trees away from the path. She decided to pick some sweet, juicy apples. Soon her basket was filled to the brim with apples. Little Fat Orange went to go to the path again but she had wandered so far she did not where it was for she was lost. 

 Just then a giant, venomous snake suddenly appeared and said, “Hello little girl, are you lost?” 

 Little Fat Orange said, “Yes” and asked the giant venomous snake if he could show her the way. 

He said, “Yes, but only if I can come to Grandmas house too.” 

Little Fat Orange said, “OK.” 

Little Fat Orange skipped to Grandmas with the snake. Suddenly the snake said to Little Fat Orange, “I am going to take a shortcut to get to Grandma’s because I am a snake and very slow,” and off went the snake. 

 A little bit later the snake arrived at Granny’s candy cottage. Since she was a wise lady she had cast a spell to make her house a candy house. The snake knocked on the hollow door of the yummy candy house and the wise lady said, “Come in.” So the giant, venomous snake came in and locked Granny in the cupboard! Then he got into bed and hid under the warm covers and waited for Little Fat Orange. 

Soon Little Fat Orange came hopping along and knocked on the door of Granny’s house. The giant, venomous snake said, “Come in,” and Little Fat Orange came in to Granny’s cottage but as soon as she came in she noticed something strange. 

“My grandma what big teeth you have,” said Little Fat Orange. “All the better to poison you my dear,” said the giant, venomous snake and sprang at Little Fat Orange. Little Fat Orange was filled with alarm and immediately started to run away from the giant, venomous snake screaming, “Help, help!” 

 A very powerful wizard was nearby and heard Little Fat Orange’s cries and came to help her. The very powerful wizard changed the giant venomous snake into a block of icy cold ice and together they found Granny. They set her free and they all lived happily ever after and the snake learned to never try to eat people ever again. 

 By James B

Friday, 28 June 2013

In the Beginning Art

This is a Maori god from a story called in the beginning that I drew. It is Haumia, he is the god of wild and uncultivated foods.  I enjoyed doing this art because it was fun to colour in with pastel.

My Enterprise Inquiry

We have been learning to understand what Enterprise is.  We have been looking at children that have done sustainable Enterprises.  Here is what we learnt about one enterprise.

Tuesday, 11 June 2013

My Onomatopoiea art

This is my Onomatopoiea art where we made a word into art.

Did you ever? poem

This a poem I did asking Did you ever?

Friday, 31 May 2013

White-tailed Spiders


Before you begin your research, list details in the first two columns. Fill in the last column after completing your research.
What I am learning:
white-tailed spiders

What I know
What I want to learn
What I learned
  • White-tailed spiders are really poisonous.

  • White-tailed spiders have eight legs.

  • White-tailed spiders live in Australia.

  • Daddy long legs can eat White-tailed spiders.

  • How does the White-tailed spider kill living things with its poison?

  • What do White-tailed spiders eat?

  • What colours are White-tailed spiders?

  • Are Daddy long legs Relatives of White-tailed spiders?

  • Do White-tailed lay eggs?

  • White-tailed spiders bite living things to kill them

  • White-tailed spiders eat other spiders

  • White-tailed spiders like dark spaces

  • The white-tailed spider has a dark gray body with orange brown around its legs

My Reading Reflection

I have been learning to find and summarise information in a non-fiction text.  My reading group read a book about white-tailed spiders.  We created a slideshow about what we learnt.  I found it difficult because it was hard to make the slideshow.  My next step is to summarise the information in my own words.

Monday, 20 May 2013

My Fractions learning

This is my maths goal.

Stage 5/6
Fractions Goal
I am learning to add and subtract fractions with a common denominator.
I know that I can do this when:
I can add and subtract the numerators together
I can recognise that the denominator doesn’t change if the fractions have a common denominator 

My Maths Reflection
I have been learning to add and subtract fractions with the same denominator.
The denominator doesn't change because they are pieces of the same whole.
I found this easy
My next step is to add and subtract fractions with different denominators

Thursday, 9 May 2013

Haiku Poem

This is my Haiku Poem.A Haiku Poem is a Poem that has 3 lines. The first line should have 5 syllables the second line 7 and the third line

Wednesday, 27 March 2013

My Holiday

In the holidays I went to a sushi resteraunt with my my family for dinner. As soon as I walked in the room I smelled an aroma of fresh fish.Then he waitor showed us to our booth.When I got there I was puzzled by the instant dilemma of which ones to have.Finally I settled on some sushi.I had to wait for a long time and I was really bored.When it finally came I was so happy.After that time shot by like a flaming rocket!Soon we had to go I was really sad because it tasted so good.